Terms and conditions

Introduction and Scope

These Terms and Conditions (T&C) apply to all eSIM services offered by V3GA under the SimpleSim brand, on the electronic commerce platform. These conditions govern the provision and use of eSIM profiles, facilitating access to mobile telecommunication services. By accessing and using our services, you agree to comply with these terms, which establish our mutual obligations and govern your use of our eSIMs.

Registration and User Account

Registration on our platform may be necessary to access some of our eSIM services. Users must provide accurate and up-to-date information when ordering and creating their account. Managing your account, including the security of your login credentials, is your responsibility. You must notify us immediately in case of suspected unauthorized use of your account. We reserve the right to suspend or delete accounts in case of non-compliance with our conditions.

Purchase and Activation of the eSIM

To acquire an eSIM, select the offer that suits your needs on our site. After payment, you will receive a QR code by email, necessary for activating your eSIM on your compatible device. The activation and use process is described on our site. It is your responsibility to verify the compatibility of your device with eSIM technology. We cannot be held responsible in case of incompatibility of the device or problems related to the installation and use of the eSIM.

Duration, Termination, and Right of Withdrawal

The eSIM service is provided for a specified duration, mentioned at the time of purchase. The contract can be terminated at any time by the user. In case of termination, no refund is made for the unused period. Regarding the right of withdrawal, in accordance with legislation, a 14-day period after purchase is granted to cancel without charge, provided that the service has not been activated. If the service is activated, the right of withdrawal cannot be exercised.

User Obligations and Usage Restrictions

The user undertakes to use the eSIM services in accordance with current laws and our acceptable use rules. Reselling or misusing eSIM services is prohibited. Any fraudulent, illegal, or non-compliant use of these conditions will result in the suspension or termination of the service. The user also agrees not to infringe on the intellectual property rights related to the service and content available on our site.

Service Availability and Limitations

We strive to ensure optimal availability of our eSIM services. However, the quality and availability of the service depend on the networks of local operators and may vary by region. We cannot guarantee uninterrupted network coverage or uniform service quality. In case of poor coverage or unavailable service, our liability cannot be engaged. We recommend users to check network coverage in destination countries before purchase.

Pricing, Fees, and Payment Terms

The prices of our eSIM services are clearly indicated on our website. All prices are in euros and include applicable taxes. Payment is due at the time of purchase and can be made by the payment methods accepted on our site. We reserve the right to modify our prices, however, price changes will not affect orders already placed. In case of late payment, we reserve the right to suspend or cancel the delivery of the ordered services.

Data Protection and Privacy

We attach great importance to confidentiality and the protection of personal data. Information collected during registration and use of our services is processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and current legislation. Our privacy policy, accessible on our site, details how we collect, use, protect, and share your personal data.

Warranty and Liability

We commit to providing our eSIM services with a professional level of quality. However, we cannot be held responsible for indirect damages, such as loss of profits, work interruptions, or loss of data, resulting from the use or inability to use the service. Our liability is limited to the amount you paid for the service.

Modifications of Terms

We reserve the right to modify these T&C at any time. All changes will be published on our website and will take effect upon their publication. By continuing to use our services after these changes, you accept the revised terms.

Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution

These T&C are governed by French legislation. In case of a dispute, an attempt at amicable resolution will be favored. In the absence of an agreement, French courts will have jurisdiction to resolve any conflict arising from or related to the use of our services.

Contact Information and Customer Support

For any questions or complaints concerning our services, please contact our customer service. Contact details are available on our website, under the Contact section. Our team is committed to providing prompt and efficient assistance to resolve your concerns.