Our mission

When you travel, you don’t pay more for water and electricity. Why pay more for your mobile Internet?

Internet has become a necessity, just like water or electricity.

Every (connected) traveler has felt the frustration of not being able to use their devices away from home due to huge roaming charges. Antoine, François and Fabrice, experts in new technologies and connected objects, decided to create SimpleSim to solve this problem.

Our mission is to reconnect travelers where they need it most: away from home.

We provide a simple, affordable and efficient mobile internet solution for tourists to keep them connected while travelling.


9 rue Sainte-Lucie, 75015 Paris
Phone: +33.616586014
Publisher: Fabrice Gaumont
V3GA, SAS au capital social de 30.000€
RCS Paris 984 105 569
contact : hello@simplesim.fr


Amazon Web Services EMEA SARL
38 Avenue John F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg

Intellectual protection and copyright

All elements of this website (texts, logos, names, images and interface) belong to SimpleSIM and are protected by French property laws. In the absence of explicit authorization from SimpleSIM, any copy or use of these elements is prohibited and may be subject to prosecution by the owner.